Sunday, December 11, 2016

Day 1

I decided to learn more about the Holy Bible and prayer by following a 31-day scripture writing challenge I found in Pinterest. I just completed the verses for Day 1.


Sunday, December 4, 2016


It is interesting that a lot of my boards/categories in Pinterest are food-related. I am interested in food for weight loss reasons. So, my weight loss (and my food blog) led to other things!

See my article on analysis in Pinterest:
Pinterest for Analysis

Also, my post on the "many faces of fruit" (an analysis)...

Video: Presentation_PinterestProfileOfFahmeenaOdettaMoore_Final

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Change of plans

I planned to travel to Maryland this week to visit family & friends, but those plans changed. I will remain in Gainesville.

I continue to have trouble with my phone. Last night I ordered food that was never delivered. Maybe the delivery guy/gal did not deliver because he/she could not reach me by phone (maybe he/she called with a question). That is my guess.

Today, I spent some time updating my Pinterest profile. The latest additions: (1) Quick & Easy - for Camping, and (2) Employee Benefits. The new total is an unbelievable 157 boards! Maybe I'll stop adding boards/categories now.