My new course - Enterprise Network Architecture - is really interesting so far. I like the presentations (the course reminds me of the database course because of the presentations). It is the third week and I am working on my second presentation - not the usual assignments.
In week 1, one of the required readings was:
Making Virtue of Necessity: The Role of Team Climate for Innovation in Resource-Constrained Innovation Projects
By Matthias Weiss, Martin Hoegl, and Michael Gibbert
This paper "introduced me" to a new, interesting topic: innovation (& I will add productivity) in a low-resource environment - basically, performance when there is insufficient funding / less resources than typically necessary for high performance. This is my life right now. I have to produce a lot with very little....
Maybe I can make a difference or come up with new ideas in this area. I remember the issues and decisions I made when planning My Research Summary website/page. I ended up with a "basic" website/page ( and plans to have a more complex website/page. I like the basic page a lot - it would be excellent for someone with limited resources. It has some strengths and advantages. One is the news summary landing page - the idea: Another is the separate pages for certain areas that receive separate funding - I can provide a url that makes sense to organizations/sponsors. However, the basic page is not the very best design/organization (best of breed). It would be better to have my papers/research all in one place and tagged appropriately so that I can look at them this way and that - "pull" papers on specific topics, such as decision-making, then strategy (subset of decision-making as well as strategy in other areas), and so on. I started a project to look into using StumbleUpon to do just this: have to read more on the low-resource topic.
When I first started down the research path, I thought I would struggle to find interesting topics/research areas (that are close/dear to me and/or I would enjoy). Turns out that there are a lot of areas: Customer-focused research (see my blog for this topic: ), design & usability (see my design blog: ), typologies & taxonomies, and so on.
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